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Domestic Projects


Amrita-Seattle serves a hot meal per month for the homeless teens of Seattle through U-district Teen Feed, University Street Ministry. Volunteers not only cook, serve, and clean-up, but also advocate for homeless youths through a safe and welcoming presence.

Anybody above 8 yrs old is welcome to participate on our meal team for the Teen Feed program. We have specific nutritional suggestions to help our food team members plan their meals. This commitment ranges occur once to twice a month.

Please contact us 2.5-3 weeks before to sign-up! We are always grateful if you can help us sponsor a meal. Also we are always collecting warm clothes and backpacks to distribute at the shelter.



Seattle’s Tent Cities are portable, self-managed communities of up to 100 homeless men and women. Tent Cities are critical because there is not enough indoor shelters for all who need it in King County. Tent Cities provide a safe place for the homeless community to stay together and get to work/appointments.

However, living in tents for weeks to months at-a-time, gets extremely difficult especially when the weather gets cold and wet.

Amrita-Seattle serves hot meals, Grab n’ Go Meal bags, and winter survival gear at all the Tent Cities in Seattle and greater Seattle area in King County.

Please contact us 2 weeks before the event to sign-up! We are always grateful if you can help us sponsor a meal. Also we are always collecting warm clothes and backpacks to distribute at the shelter.


Amrita-Seattle works with local organizations such as Green Seattle Partnership and Friends of North Creek Forest to bring local forests and woodlands back to a more natural environment for all to enjoy and feel safe. It is essential to save the forests for generations of future students so they may experience, understand and care for the natural world around them.

Activities include clearing areas of invasive plants, pruning existing native plants for better growth, planting a few native plants, and spreading mulch to support healthy soil and plant growth.  

What to Bring:

Safe footwear (boots if possible), dress for the weather and some muddy terrain. Bring own snacks if you wish, and light snacks/coffee/tea/water are also provided. Gloves and tools available on site.

Please contact us 2 weeks before the event to sign-up!

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